(My Travel Series) August 2010 Day 3 Tomorrow morning we're going to go back to Jakarta, so today was our last day exploring north Sumatra. In our way back to Medan, we stopped at a vintage coffee shop named Toko Sedap. This place is popular for its custard apple jam or selai srikaya (in bahasa) . We ordered custard apple jam toasts with a cup of coffee. I didn't drink the coffee but according to people who drank it, the coffee tasted nice and very suitable with the toast. For me the taste of the toast was not special, but my mom loved it so much. She even brought some custard apple jam home. However, I always love to eat in a place with history. It made me imagine how was this place look like in its era. It wasn't so hard to imagine because I think they are never re-design the facade, interior, the cup or the dish. When we ate the bread, some people around us ate noodles that look very tasty. My sister and I asked my mom's friend where to...